Monday, February 21, 2011

What inspires you?

as im sitting here doing my art homework, i cant help but feel so unfocused... so uninspired. is it the distractions around me? is it the mood im in? is it that i need to look deeper for inspiration?
i dont know what it is, and i will never know. maybe thats what i need to figure out for myself. from now on i will look at things in a deeper way. maybe thatll help.
i really want to get back in touch with my sewing machine but the inspiration is goneeeee. i really wanna make a clothing like with a WOW factor. last summer i had sooooo much inspiration. its just gone. what was it? love? life? the carefreeness? the WARM weather?
well, until next time, ill be staring at my closet thinking of what the next big thing will be.